Student Technology Fee Awards
Key Contact
If you have questions, please contact the Senior Director of IT.
Any academic unit in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may submit proposals. Units with needs that can be effectively met in shared use facilities are encouraged to submit cooperative proposals.
Policy Purpose and Description
Student Technology Fee funds are used to create, maintain and improve collegiate instructional technology resources. Each year there is a call for proposals, which are evaluated by the college’s Information Technologies Committee. Any academic unit in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) may submit proposals. Single units may submit more than one proposal (including one-time or recurring projects); multiple proposals must be prioritized by the DEO. All requests must include a clear explanation of the role of the technology in teaching, including the specific courses using the resources, and the enrollments in these courses. Proposals are judged on the basis of six criteria:
- Impact on education and students
- Justification of need
- Expected utilization
- Management plan
- DEO endorsement
- Definitions
On-Cycle One-Time Proposal: (Call for proposals Jan-Feb) The most common and preferred type of proposal. This category will include project requests that can be completed within one funding cycle.
On-Cycle Recurring/Multiyear Proposal: (Call for proposals Jan-Feb) This category will allow for departments with complex initiatives to submit proposals that will support technology resources for up to four years. The intent of this category is to support the operation, maintenance and refresh of longer-range pedagogical concepts. This will allow the college to identify local strategic direction for future funding opportunities.
Off-Cycle Funding Requests: Requests for funding after the annual proposal submission cycle has closed are considered off-cycle requests. These requests must meet the same requirements as the annual STF proposal cycle, with the addition of urgency. In the off-cycle narrative, address why the funding is needed before the next fiscal year proposal submission window.
Fill out a proposal cover sheet and attach the following items:
- Narrative
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Installation and Management Plan
- DEO Endorsement
Submit the cover sheet and proposal.
CLAS IT Group Student Technology Fees Forms:
- Cover Sheet
- Off-cycle cover sheet
- An example of an approved STF proposal
- A list of funded proposals from the last three funding cycles
- Terms and conditions for STF Awards
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I make changes to my planned purchases after the award is approved?
Any changes to the approved budget, expenditures or equipment changes require advanced approval. Changes significantly deviating from the intent and scope of the original proposal will not be allowed. Changes in technology pricing estimates, from the period of proposal submission to purchase, are usually allowed. Send your request to the Senior Director of CLAS Technology Services and copy your department administrator.
Can I carryover unspent funds?
Accrued funds from cost savings or local decisions to not implement parts of a proposal, must be returned to the general STF fund. Delays of purchase and implementation, with a reasonable explanation, will likely be accommodated. Departments must notify the Senior Director of CLAS Technology Services if the awarded funds cannot be spent prior to the end of the fiscal year.
Related Information
Accounting for Student Technology Fees:
- The CLAS Finance Office will setup a unique MFK for each approved STF Award.
- The funds approved for the award will be transferred into the MFK.
- The CLAS Technology Group and CLAS Finance will work together to ensure correct expenditures are charged to each award and track spending throughout the year.
Revision History