Protocol for Approval of Policies

The CLAS Policy and Procedures website contains policies and procedures governing the internal operations of the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

The CLAS Policy and Procedures website is the official archive for CLAS policies and procedures. Other versions of CLAS-specific policies that may exist electronically or in print shall not be considered authoritative, unless designated as such on this site.

Questions about CLAS policies or procedures on the CLAS Policy and Procedures website policy should be directed to the Key Contact or Policy Owner listed on the policy page.

For official University of Iowa policies, see the UI Policy Manual.

New Policies

New CLAS policies will be added to the CLAS Policy and Procedures website upon the approval of the Dean, who may seek advice from the CLAS Senior Leadership Team. Once approved, the policy will be sent by the Dean, or designee, together with a letter approving the policy, to the Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure, who will ensure its inclusion in the CLAS Policy and Procedures website.

To propose new policies for addition to the CLAS Policy and Procedures website, contact the Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure.

Revised Policies

1. All revisions affecting the substance of existing policies must be developed in consultation between the office(s), owner(s), and department(s) responsible for a given policy and the CLAS Policy and Procedures website editor; other constituents may be consulted as appropriate, prior to submission to the Dean for approval and inclusion in the CLAS Policy and Procedures website .

2. Non-substantive revisions affecting form, including editorial improvements, may be made by the CLAS Policy and Procedures website editor with the approval of the Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure.

Questions about the approval process may be directed to the CLAS Policy and Procedures website editor (