Faculty Reviews: Instructional Track

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities; Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences
Amended Date

Key Contacts 

If you have questions, please contact your Department Human Resources Representative.   


Instructional-track faculty.

Policy Purpose and Description  

Instructional track faculty positions are academic-year, renewable faculty appointments, with summer session appointments possible on the same basis as for other faculty. Although an individual's appointment as an Instructional track faculty member may be renewed, Fringe benefits are provided in accordance with University rules for appointments of 50% or more.  

An Instructional track position in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences generally meets the following conditions: 

  • the research expectations that exist for tenure-track faculty are inappropriate, given the nature and extent of the teaching assignments, 

  • the potential for reappointment beyond three years is essential in order to ensure stability in the position and competitive recruiting of individuals who can ensure high-quality instruction, and 

  • funding for the position is identified, in consultation with the College.




In each year of an Instructional faculty's appointment, the department submits a performance evaluation to the Dean's Office, using the College's Instructional Track annual reviewform (instruction or practice track). Subsequently, a substantive performance reappointment evaluation (instruction or practice track) must be submitted in the reappointment year of the current contract. The review form, with the Instructional faculty's response (if any), the Instructional faculty's CV, and classroom observation are due in the Office of the Dean in the spring via a folder in OneDrive. A classroom observation is required for the first six years of the initial Assistant Professor of Instruction/Practice contract and every reappointment thereafter and for the first five years of the initial Associate Professor/Professor of Instruction/Practice contract and every reappointment thereafter.  

The review is a substantive evaluation of the Instructional faculty's record in teaching, service, and professional activity (practice track). These evaluations are based on the expectations for teaching, departmental service, and professional activity (practice track) stated in the most recent letter of appointment. The college's expectation is that at least 60% of an Instructional faculty's effort will be devoted to teaching organized courses. The letter of appointment may state a higher expectation. 

The purpose of the review is to advise the Instructional faculty member on how well they are meeting departmental and collegiate expectations of the appointment and to provide a basis for renewal of the contract and salary recommendations. The review report should outline substantive suggestions and specific expectations. The instructional faculty member has the right to respond to the review. 

The review of teaching, service, and professional activity (practice track) may be conducted by the DEO or by another faculty member or a faculty committee to whom the DEO delegates the review. The review of teaching must include: 

  • student evaluations of teaching solicited in every course and kept on file (usually by the faculty member) for use in faculty reviews, 

  • observation and report on at least one class session (as stated above), and 

  • review of syllabi for all courses taught since the previous review. 

Individuals with Instructional track appointments are expected to keep up with developments in the knowledge base and pedagogy of their subject. Positive performance reviews that would result in renewal of appointment therefore depend on some professional development activities. While involvement in professional service is not necessarily required, enhancement of credentials and notable professional service can contribute to merit-based raises. 


Instructional Track annual review form: Instruction track, Practice track

Reappointment Review Form: Instruction track, Practice track

Frequently Asked Questions  

In regard to classroom observations, what is considered the initial contract?

"Initial" refers to the hiring contract. If a faculty is promoted from Assistant Professor of Instruction to Associate Professor Instruction, the initial contract refers to their Assistant Professor of Instruction contract at hire, and they will require a classroom observation during their Associate Professor of Instruction reappointment review.

Is an instructional track review due if a faculty is leaving the college?

Faculty are exempt from their annual review if they are in the final academic year of their appointment before retirement/resignation/notice of non-renewal.  If a faculty member is currently enrolled in the phased retirement program, they will continue to have annual and/or reappointment reviews conducted until they are within the final academic year of their retirement date. 

If an instructional track faculty member requests promotion review, are they required to also have an annual or reappointment review conducted that academic year?

No. The promotion review takes the place of the annual or reappointment review. However, if the promotion review occurs in the final year of appointment and results in an unsuccessful promotion decision, a separate reappointment review will be conducted in the spring semester. 

Related Information 

Qualifications: Instructional track faculty appointments normally require an advanced degree (masters or doctoral degree) or the equivalent. Graduate students cannot hold instructional track appointments. 

Instructional track faculty positions are subject to the usual affirmative action recruitment procedure expectations.

Revision History 
