Criteria for Faculty Rank

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities; Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences

Key Contacts 

If you have questions, please contact your area associate dean. 


DEOs, Administrators 

Policy Purpose and Description  

The collegiate criteria below are consistent with the University’s Qualifications for Faculty Rank. Many departments have also established criteria that elaborate on University and collegiate criteria. 




Assistant Professors 

Faculty members appointed to the rank of assistant professor are ordinarily expected: 

  1. to hold the doctorate or other terminal degree in the discipline or to present equivalent training and experience as appropriate to the particular appointment; 

  1. to show promise in teaching; and 

  1. to have begun a promising program of research, scholarship, or creative professional work consistent with eventual promotion to associate professor. 

Associate Professors 

Faculty members are expected to have served at the rank of assistant professor for a period of time sufficient to have established a record in the areas of teaching; of research, scholarship, or creative work; and of service that meets the criteria below and shows unmistakable promise of promotion to full professor. Most faculty members in the College serve a probationary period of six years. 

Faculty promoted or appointed to the rank of associate professor are ordinarily expected: 

  1. to hold the doctorate or other terminal degree of the discipline or to have equivalent training and experience as appropriate to the particular appointment; 

  1. to have an acknowledged record of success in undergraduate and graduate teaching, including successful direction of doctoral and/or master’s candidates, as applicable; 

  1. to have national recognition for a productive program of research, scholarship, or creative work, supported by substantial, significant publication (or the equivalent) of high quality; 

  1. to have participated in the professional activities of the discipline, in ways other than teaching and research; and 

  1. to have established an appropriate record of departmental service. 


Candidates for promotion to full professor are expected to have established a record since promotion to associate professor that demonstrates a pattern of sustained development and substantial growth in achievement and productivity in the areas of teaching; of research, scholarship, and creative work; and of service. 

Faculty promoted or appointed to the rank of professor are ordinarily expected: 

  1. to hold the doctorate or other terminal degree of the discipline or to have equivalent training and experience appropriate to the particular appointment; 

  1. to have an acknowledged record of continued success in undergraduate and graduate teaching, including continued successful direction of doctoral candidates to the completion of their degree programs, as applicable; 

  1. to have sustained unmistakable national recognition and, where applicable, to have achieved international recognition for a productive program of research, scholarship, or creative work of high quality; and 

  1. to have a substantial and sustained record of effective service to the department, the institution, and the profession. 



Frequently Asked Questions  


Related Information 

Departmental criteria for tenure-track rank approved by the College consistent with the University and Collegiate Criteria: 

Revision History