Summer/Winter Salary for Teaching a Course
Effective Date
Key Contacts
If you have questions, please contact your Area Associate Dean.
All employees who will teach courses during the summer/winter session (see definition of employees who teach below).
Policy Purpose and Description
Faculty members, emeritus faculty, visitors, adjuncts, teaching assistants, and staff who teach during the summer session (not on-load) receive salaries for the summer/winter session in which the course is taught.
Employees who teach: tenure-track, instructional-track, clinical-track, adjunct, visitors, and teaching assistants.
Please refer to the annual salary chart for your departmental salary schedule with the calculation breakout.
Instructional-track faculty: Will be compensated at a rate of 1/8 of their full-time academic year salary for each course. Their salary is prorated for courses less than 3 semester hours and/or low enrolled courses.
The salary for all other faculty will be based on the average Instructional Track Faculty (ITF) full time salary in the department during the Fall semester of the preceding academic year. If there are no ITFs in the department, the average will be computed based on the average in a similar department at the discretion of the appropriate Associate Dean. The salary will be computed as follows:
Tenured, tenure-track faculty, and emeritus faculty: Will be compensated at a rate of 105% of 1/8 of the average full time ITF salary in the department per course. Their salary is prorated for courses less than 3 semester hours and/or low enrolled courses.
Clinical-track faculty: Will be compensated at a rate equal to 1/8 of the average full time ITF salary in the department per course. Their salary is prorated for courses less than 3 semester hours and/or low enrolled courses. There is no additional compensation for fiscal year clinical faculty (if teaching above normal load, see Overload Policy).
Visitors and adjunct faculty: Will be compensated at a rate of 95% of 1/8 of the average full time ITF salary in the department per course. Their salary is prorated for courses less than 3 semester hours and/or low enrolled courses.
P&S staff: Will be compensated at a rate of 95% of 1/8 of the average full time ITF salary in the department per course. If the staff member is less than 100%, an adjunct support form will be submitted. If the staff member is 100%, a special compensation form will be submitted. Their salary is prorated for courses less than 3 semester hours and/or low enrolled courses
Teaching Assistants: Will be compensated at a rate of 2/9 of a 50% academic year salary per course. Their salary is prorated for courses that are less than 3 semester hours.
Market Adjustment: If a department cannot secure an instructor for a course, they may request a market adjustment to the above salaries for a particular class. The approval of such adjustment will be at the discretion of the appropriate Associate Dean.
Low enrolled course: If a decision is made to proceed with offering a low-enrolled course, compensation for that course is pro-rated at 1/16th of the per-course rate per student.
Limit: Instructors may only teach one course per session and the sessions may not overlap.
Summer/winter session offer letter template: Please contact your HR representative for the updated template.
Frequently Asked Questions
If a faculty member is teaching a summer course on-load do they receive additional compensation?
No, additional compensation will not be paid if the course is defined in the offer letter as on-load.
How do you define a course for compensation purposes?
Three, four, and five semester hour courses will be compensated the same. Proration occurs when courses are low enrolled or have semester credit hours of one or two hours.
Related Information
17.8(1) Summer Session Salaries
Overload Compensation Policy during fall and spring
Revision History
September 2021