Summer Funding for Humanities Research
Key Contact
If you have questions, please contact the Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities.
Open to full-time CLAS tenure-track or tenured faculty.
Policy Purpose and Description
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) and the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) are committed to advancing research and scholarship in the humanities. We are piloting a funding opportunity to enable faculty in the humanities to pursue research projects that require dedicated time, resources, and support during the summer months. Funds will be awarded up to $7,500 and may be used for various purposes, including materials, equipment, travel, and dedicated writing space.
- Enhance research output: By providing financial support as summer salary, faculty can focus on producing high-quality research outputs, including articles, books, and creative works.
- Support career development: This program is designed to aid faculty in advancing their academic careers through successful completion of significant research projects.
- Promote strategic research initiatives: Aligning with the priorities of UI CLAS and OVPR, this program will help position the university as a leader in cutting- edge humanities research.
Applicants will need to submit a detailed application that includes the following components:
- Justification for support: A comprehensive explanation of why the funding is necessary for the completion of the proposed research and its expected impact on the faculty member’s career trajectory.
- Detailed budget: An outline of how the requested funds will be utilized, including specific costs for materials, travel, equipment, and any other relevant expenses.
- Research outcomes: Faculty will be required to articulate the anticipated outcomes of their research, including how it will contribute to the field, the broader academic community, and any potential public engagement.
- January 15, 2025: Applications open
- March 14, 2025: Applications due
- March 31, 2025: Awards announced
How to Apply
Email the completed application as a PDF file to
Post-Award Requirements
Recipients will be expected to submit a report detailing their accomplishments and outcomes following their funding period. Concrete products of the summer work need to be identified, with a timeline toward publication, community engagement, or other form of scholarly productivity.
Application for Summer Funding for Humanities Research
Frequently Asked Questions
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