Evaluation of Teaching Assistants

Associate Dean for Graduate Education
Amended Date

Key Contacts

If you have questions, please contact the Assistant to the Associate Dean for Graduate Education.


Graduate assistants.

Policy Purpose and Description






In accordance with the CLAS TA contracts, all departments must conduct a teaching evaluation in the middle of the first semester of a teaching assistantship. The contract reads as follows: “The Iowa Board of Regents has adopted a policy on oral communication competence, designed to ensure that all instructors have ‘the ability to communicate appropriately in the language of instruction to students attending Regent’s institutions.’ New teaching assistants will be evaluated by the middle of the first semester of teaching, and by the end of every subsequent semester. A question on oral communication competence will be included in the form the department uses for student evaluations of teaching.”

Each department has procedures for the selection, preparation, supervision, and evaluation of TAs. In soliciting student evaluations of teaching, the DEO ensures that the evaluation form includes a question about the oral communication competence of the TA. New TAs must be evaluated by the department for teaching competence no later than the eighth week of the first semester of their appointment.

The DEO also sees that student evaluations of teaching are obtained by TAs and others in all departmental courses, including those sponsored by the Center for Credit Programs. The DEO reviews these evaluations according to the same procedures used for all other departmental offerings.

Additionally, CLAS strongly encourages departments to use the CLAS Mentored Teaching Evaluation Framework, the CLAS TA Evaluation, and the CLAS RA Evaluation, which are designed to assist departments in promoting success in teaching and evaluating graduate assistants’ performance in accordance with the contractual agreement outlined in the TA or RA offer letter. The schedule and prompts in these document provide GAs and their supervisors opportunities for ongoing dialogue about successful teaching and research.


CLAS Mentored Teaching Observation Framework (PDF Fillable Form Version)

Formative Teaching Observation Guide

CLAS TA Evaluation (PDF Fillable Form Version)

CLAS RA Evaluation (PDF Fillable Form Version)

Frequently Asked Questions


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