Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (Faculty)
Effective Date
January 2022
Key Contacts
If you have questions, please contact your Area Associate Dean.
All tenured faculty.
Policy Purpose and Description
In accordance with the University's Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (Operations Manual, III-10.6.), each spring DEOs and each of their tenured faculty members must agree upon a planned allocation of effort (among teaching, research, service, and clinical service) for the following academic year. DEOs or their departmental administrators must record this plan online, via the Office of the Provost PTEAP web application. If the effort allocation does not fall within "unit norms," a brief explanation must be included in the faculty member's record.
PTEAP: Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy
The Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (PTEAP) process is completely web-based, with an on-line database administered by the Office of the Provost. This can be accessed by signing into the Self Service Portal, go to the Human Resource section, to the Faculty Admin Center and select Post-tenure Effort Allocation (PTEAP). Department administrators will be able to select their department and edit faculty listings either individually or in a PTEAP bulk edit window for those within the unit norm. When the department administrator has finished entering the PTEAP information for their faculty, they can then route it for DEO signature. If the faculty is not within the unit norm, it will also need to have an explanation (PDA, fellowship, LWOP, etc.) listed in the comments and be routed to the appropriate Area Associate Dean for approval. Any corrections to faculty listed (retirements, promotions, resignations, department changes) should be sent to
As the Provost Office instructions indicate, “DEOs must confer with each tenured faculty member to agree on the faculty member's planned allocation of effort. If a faculty member will be on leave, this conference should take place prior to departure if possible.”
In preparing the PTEAP agreements and entering the data into the on-line database, DEOs should keep in mind two important provisions of PTEA Policy.
- The faculty member may not reduce their teaching or scholarly/creative contribution to 0% for any period of time or take disproportionate responsibility in any one area over a long period of time.
- When the PTEAP process is completed, the DEO must distribute to the faculty a description of each portfolio agreement and an explanation of how the department will continue to fulfill its mission while the agreements are in force.
If a DEO’s term expires at the end of the academic year and CLAS has not yet determined who will be the chair of the department, the DEO should consider what they expect to be doing in the upcoming academic year and make changes to their PTEAP listing (there is a space for comments), then route to their Area Associate Dean. If DEOs wish to discuss their effort allocation for the upcoming year, please contact the Dean’s Office to schedule a meeting.
The annual deadline for completion of the PTEAP agreements for tenured faculty is generally the first week of April. This allows DEOs to count on additional information on PDAs, stipend supplement awards, tenure decisions, phased retirements, etc., thus eliminating the need to process adjustment to the PTEAP later in the Spring Semester.
Frequently Asked Questions
Related Information
The Office of the Provost developed instructions for completing the online PTEA.
PTEA Calculator - to assist in calculating the PTEA form for the academic year when efforts are different in each semester.
Revision History
January 2022