Merit Raise Process

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities; Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences
Amended Date

Key Contacts 

If you have any questions, please contact your Area Associate Dean. 


Tenure track, instructional track, and clinical track faculty 

Policy Purpose and Description  





Instructions related to the faculty merit raise process will be communicated annually from the CLAS Dean's Office. If you have questions about the process, please contact the Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities or Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences. 

For July 1 merit salary increases: 

  • Faculty must have met expectations in all areas of performance to be eligible for a merit increase.  

  • Faculty must have submitted a CV as part of their annual review to be eligible for a merit increase.  

  • Faculty with joint appointments will be ranked independently in each department.  

  • Faculty retiring/resigning at the end of the current academic year and faculty in the phased retirement program are ineligible for a merit increase.  

  • Faculty with a January start date of the current academic year are ineligible for a merit increase.  

  • For faculty who received a retention offer to adjust their salary for the upcoming July 1, the terms of their retention letter will dictate their eligibility for an additional merit increase.  

  • Faculty salary increases will be calculated as either a percent increase of the current base salary or (in the case of faculty with an outlying salary compared to the rest of the unit) a fixed dollar amount increase. In cases where a fixed dollar amount is utilized, the amount will correspond to the same dollar increase equivalent to the percentage raise received by other faculty members at the same rank level. 



Frequently Asked Questions  


Related Information 


Revision History 

