Faculty Leave with Pay

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities; Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences

Key Contacts

If you have questions, please contact your Area Associate Dean and Department Human Resources Representative.



Policy Purpose and Description

Explanation of paid leave policies and how to request paid leave. 




Types of Leaves: administrative leave (for permanent faculty only), developmental leaves (for permanent faculty awarded by the Provost), faculty scholar, global scholar, military leave (for permanent faculty), research leave (for permanent faculty), and semester assignment (special leave that’s not a PDA awarded by the Provost Office). 


Prior Approval: All faculty leave of absences need prior approval from the College and Provost Office. 

Payback Requirements - Faculty who accept a paid leave of absence may be subject to the State of Iowa payback requirement.  Questions regarding payback requirement should be directed to your Area Associate Dean.

Employee signature is required for ALL Paid Leave of Absence forms. If electronic signature cannot be obtained through workflow, a comment in the remarks section that it is on file with the department is sufficient. 

Common Situations

Grant Sponsored Leave of Absences (example: NEH Grants) 

MFK - When processing a leave form for a faculty member whose leave is partially funded by a grant, that MFK should be added to the MFK distribution. If the UI will be supplementing the faculty's salary, then that MFK should also be listed. 

Fringe Benefit Cost - Some grants will not pay for fringe benefits. Please note in the remarks section that the grant will not cover fringe benefit expenses and what account Grant Accounting should CV fringe benefit cost to monthly. 

Once approval is obtained, the department should process a Leave of Absence-(Paid) Partial Paid Semester form. 

If the paid semester is a Professional Developmental Award semester, that should be noted in the remarks section of the HR form. 



Frequently Asked Questions

If I want to take one semester off, can I spread my pay and benefits over the whole year and shift my appointment to 50%?

No, this is not permissible, per the General Counsel.

Related Information

Leave Absence Form Processing: https://provost.uiowa.edu/human-resources-administration/faculty-hr-administration/faculty-hr-transactions/faculty-hr-form

Revision History
