Time Committed to Instruction
Key Contacts
If you have questions, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs.
Policy Purpose and Description
Instructors are expected by the University of Iowa to create the best possible learning environment for their students (see the Policy Manual, Chapter 15: Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility) and to follow recognized University procedures in the conduct of their classes.
Faculty are required (Policy Manual-17.9) to be available throughout the academic year, beginning three working days before the start of classes in the fall semester and ending on the spring commencement day. For dates, see the University calendar maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
Teaching responsibilities extend outside of organized class time. The Operations Manual states, “Academic year appointees are expected to be available throughout this period when classes are in session or when other scheduled events require their presence on campus. They are also expected to render appropriate services such as advising students, training teaching assistants, preparing class materials, evaluating student performance and submitting grades, and preparing reports for the academic year.”
These responsibilities imply that faculty members must reside at a proximity to campus that makes it practical for them to be available daily for teaching, advising, collaboration, service, attendance at faculty meetings, and participation in the life of the department, College, and University.
The following general procedures related to time committed to instruction are required under college policy:
Classes must begin and end promptly at the scheduled times.
Courses meet for 750 minutes per semester for each credit hour offered.
If an instructor cannot meet a class as scheduled, the instructor must make other arrangements for instruction and notify the DEO of the department and the students as soon as possible.
Final examinations must be administered during final exam week at the times designated by the Registrar and must follow the College’s policies on final examinations. Instructors may not end the semester early by scheduling final exams before the final exam week.
Instructors must keep at least three scheduled office hours (60 minutes each) per week and be available before and after class and at other times by appointment for a reasonable amount of time. Office hours must be included in the syllabus (Required Syllabus) and be posted on the office door or in another appropriate public location.
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