Grades: Reporting a Grade Change
Key Contacts
If you have questions, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs.
Policy Purpose and Description
Grade changes may be entered after grades have been finalized to correct an error in computing or in transcribing a grade or to change a grade or for similar, justifiable reasons. The DEO evaluates the circumstances and decides whether to approve the change. If the DEO approves the change, it is then routed to the student's primary college of enrollment for approval by a Collegiate Grades Approver.
In some situations where a student has an extenuating circumstance and they have earned a passing grade in the course with only a small amount of work remaining to complete, CLAS encourages an instructor to enter the grade the student earned at the end of the course, then to allow the student a short extension to complete the remaining work. After the remaining work is completed, the instructor may submit a grade change. The remaining required course work should be completed, and the grade changed, within one additional semester (excluding summer or winter sessions). Another option is for an instructor to assign a mark of Incomplete, see Incomplete Policy.
Assignment of Grading Roles
Grading roles align with instructor roles, one of which must be chosen for each instructor assigned to a course section, see The default grading roles for each instructor type are listed below; however, a departmental administrator may change the default grading roles.
- Course Supervisor: can save grades, can submit grades
- Primary Instructor (required): can save grades, can submit grades
- Team Teacher: can save grades, can submit grades
- Teaching Assistant (TA): can save grades
The role of Instructor Delegate also exists and can be assigned to administrative faculty or staff members in academic units who may assist in submitting grades when needed, for example, when there is a medical or other emergency, and the instructor is not able to enter the grade by the deadline.
A course instructor or course supervisor should enter the grade change whenever possible. If an Instructor Delegate enters a grade change and is approved by a DEO Grades Approver, the Collegiate Grades Approver may request justification or evidence that the course instructor or course supervisor requested the grade change. Grades or grade changes should not be entered by Instructor Delegates without the instructor’s knowledge.
Grade changes after final grades have been entered on a student’s record (other than a change from an I or O mark) require approval from a Collegiate Grades Approver within the college that manages the student's primary program of study. Note that if a DEO submits a grade change for a student in their course, it will need to be approved by the DEO Grades Approver Delegate or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.
If an instructor or course supervisor and the DEO disagree on resolution of a grading complaint, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education for an undergraduate course to discuss the situation and an appropriate resolution.
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Revision History
Revised 3/2024