Course Descriptions: Catalog and MyUI Schedule

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education; Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Outreach and Engagement

Key Contacts 

If you have questions, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs. 



Policy Purpose and Description  

Every course scheduled on MyUI must have a MyUI course description in addition to a Catalog description. Advisors depend on these descriptions to help guide students in making an appropriate academic plan. Courses without these two descriptions often suffer from under enrollment. 

The Catalog gives a very general description of the course content, regardless of the semester that the course is offered. 

The MyUI course description conveys the details of the course that will be offered during the current semester and includes topics, major assignments, format of the course, and mode of offering and does not need approval by CLAS. Descriptions are submitted directly to the Registrar. 




To update a Catalog description, the course must be routed through the MAUI Course Approval workflow system by a staff person in the department or program. The Catalog description of a course is approved or not approved by CLAS using workflow. All course revisions must be completed by CLAS deadlines.  

MyUI course description changes are handled at the departmental or program level. Changes to the MyUI course description are implemented in the Offerings Planner.  



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Related Information 


Revision History