Class Lists

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education; Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Outreach and Engagement


Key Contacts 

If you have questions, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs. 



Policy Purpose and Description  

The Registrar provides class lists to instructors through MAUI, the University's student record information system. Faculty should review their class list at the beginning of each semester or session and daily through the first five days of classes or as needed. 




Before and during the first five days of class, students add and drop courses online through MyUI, allowing class lists to be updated rapidly.  

Instructors may not sign add forms for students if the course has a waitlist in effect since the waitlist is the only official way to add the class. For most semester-long courses, the waitlist is in effect through the fifth business day after classes start. Students on the waitlist have any prerequisites needed for the course completed; students presenting an add form for a course may not have these prerequisites completed. 

Instructors may not allow students to attend a course unless they are registered for it by the deadline on the Registrar's calendar. 

Students who do not wish to earn credit may register as an auditor if given permission to do so by the instructor. 



Frequently Asked Questions  


Related Information 

Revision History