Team Teaching in the Humanities

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities

Key Contact

If you have questions, please contact the Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities.


  • Open to full-time CLAS tenure-track, instructional-track, and clinical-track faculty.
  • Cross-collegiate collaborations are encouraged with decanal approval.

Policy Purpose and Description

The University of Iowa's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is excited to announce a new funding initiative aimed at promoting innovative teaching methods through team teaching in the humanities. This initiative seeks to enhance educational outcomes by integrating diverse perspectives and methodologies. We are launching a pilot program to support two interdisciplinary undergraduate courses during the upcoming academic year. Faculty members from various disciplines will be paired to co-develop and co-teach courses that enrich the student experience. If successful, these courses will continue in subsequent years.


  •  Enhanced Interdisciplinary Engagement: Students will gain exposure to a broader range of perspectives, fostering critical thinking and innovative problem-solving skills.
  • Improved Student Learning Experiences: High-impact learning practices will make education more relevant and engaging.
  • Strengthened Faculty Collaboration: The program will cultivate a culture of collaboration among faculty, promoting ongoing partnerships and dialogues.

Funding Allocations

  • Guest speakers and resources: $600 per course for inviting guest speakers and covering other high-impact learning expenses.
  • Replacement teaching costs: $7,500 per course awarded to the department to cover the replacement cost for one course vacated by team-teaching faculty.



Application Details

Post-Award Requirements

Faculty will be required to report on the learning outcomes achieved during the team-teaching semester. These reports will inform future iterations of the program, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation.


Application for Team Teaching in the Humanities

Frequently Asked Questions


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