DSP Workflow Approval
Key Contacts
Please contact your department grant support staff with questions about the routing form.
To all CLAS faculty, staff, and students submitting applications for external funds, including fellowships.
Policy Purpose and Description
CLAS follows the Division of Sponsored Programs Routing (DSP) Policy: https://dsp.research.uiowa.edu/ui-routing-policy-procedure
Cost sharing indicates that more than one entity will share in the costs associated with a project. The most common relationship is for an external sponsor to provide most of the funds and for the University to provide the remainder of the project funds. All commitments to cost share must be documented prior to proposal submission and tracked after the project is awarded.
Please complete the Routing Form in accordance with the DSP guidelines for initiating a routing form. In addition to the DSP guidelines, please be aware of the following CLAS procedures.
In addition to the Principal Investigator and appropriate department personnel, the routing form will be reviewed by the CLAS Associate Dean for Research or their assigned delegate.
The routing form will be reviewed for:
Cost-share commitments: If the university is committing cost-share to the project, documentation of that commitment from the funding source (CLAS, department, OVPR, etc.) must be attached to the routing form. CLAS commitments to cost-share must be requested prior to submitting the routing form. If approved, a letter of commitment from the Associate Dean for Research and will be provided.
Space: If the project requires the renovation or assignment of space, documentation of the relevant approvals must be attached to the routing form.
Courses for credit, new curriculum, new tenure-track lines: If the proposed project includes development of new courses, degree programs, and/or tenure-track faculty lines, you must secure approval from the Office of the Provost and attach approval documentation to the routing form.
Course buyout: If the proposed project explicitly includes course buyouts for any CLAS faculty participants, documentation of DEO approval must be attached to the routing form. Please contact the CLAS Director, Business & Financial Administration or your department accountant with questions on the course buyout calculation.
Principal Investigators are encouraged to seek assistance with the routing form from department pre-award support staff.
Link to University of Iowa Research Information System Routing (UIRIS) Form: https://uiris.uiowa.edu/routing_form/index
Frequently Asked Questions
DSP eRouting FAQ’s: https://dsp.research.uiowa.edu/erouting-faqs