Book Subvention
Key Contact
If you have questions, please contact the Dean's Office Support.
Open to full-time CLAS tenure-track or tenured faculty. Instructional track faculty may apply only if research, scholarship, and/or creative activity is assigned as one of their primary job responsibilities.
Subvention requests must be submitted to CLAS before the final manuscript goes to press.
Policy Purpose and Description
Recognizing that the cost of publication of scholarly books sometimes falls at least partially on the shoulders of the scholar, the Office of the Vice President for Research provides funding to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for creative and scholarly book subventions. These funds are intended for items essential to the production of the book, such as obligatory press subsidies, permissions, or indexes. Generally, the maximum award will be $2,500. Cost sharing from the applicant’s department is encouraged.
Subvention: the provision of assistance or financial support.
Submission to the college:
The College requires that the faculty member submit a Workflow application form. The DEO(s) must approve the application via Workflow and route to the Dean’s Office.
If your request is approved, you will receive a letter specifying the effective date and end date for your funds as well as the MFK.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often may an author apply for a book subvention?
Faculty may apply for a book subvention one time for each book they publish.
Are book projects that are self-published eligible for support?
Self-published projects are not eligible for a book subvention.
Can subvention funds be used for a book launch party or other event?
No, funds are intended only for obligatory aspects of book production such as indexing, art clearance fees, and mandatory subsidies required by the press.
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