Space Allocation
Key Contacts
If you have any questions, please contact the Associate Dean for Research or the CLAS Facilities Manager.
Faculty, staff, graduate assistants.
Policy Purpose and Description
Departments are allocated space according to the size and needs of their units. Factors that determine space assignments include: number of personnel; hybrid/remote working arrangements; necessary support spaces; unique departmental teaching spaces; research space needs; core service or strategically-related organizations/enterprises. When a department has a reduction in its personnel, teaching, research or service responsibilities, space may be reallocated from that department to meet other collegiate or university needs. Departmental space allocations will be reviewed by the College to ensure effective space utilization.
Office Assignments:
DEOs are responsible for the allocation of departmental office spaces. Normally, tenured and tenure-track faculty have highest priority, followed by instructional track faculty, lecturers, and visitors. Adjuncts and part-time appointments are expected to share office space. Space allocations for TAs are based on the number of HTE assignments, not the total number of individuals receiving support. TAs will be housed in shared offices and may be asked to share stations.
Employees with hybrid/remote working arrangements are expected to utilize shared working spaces, including University CoWork Commons spaces.
A faculty member may not be assigned two private offices, unless the faculty member is serving as a DEO, or holding a higher administrative position (collegiate, provost, central administration) with a continuing partial appointment in the faculty member’s home department. Faculty with joint appointments may have one private office and a shared office in the joint department.
Emeriti Faculty:
Because space is constrained across campus, emeriti faculty are not guaranteed office space upon retirement. Emeriti faculty may be assigned office space by the department on a space-available basis, if the faculty member continues in a teaching capacity or has ongoing research. Emeriti faculty are expected to share offices and assignments should be evaluated annually.
Requests for Additional Space:
Requests for new space should be directed to the CLAS Director of Facilities. The request must include the reason for the request, type(s) of space needed (including square footage), names and/or titles of personnel who would be housed, how the additional space addresses the department’s strategic plan, how long the space will be needed, and any preferred adjacencies. The CLAS Director of Facilities will work with the Associate Dean for Research to identify potential space(s) that exist within the college. If space cannot be identified within the college, the college will work with the University Space Committee to identify other options. All space decisions will be based on the college’s and the university’s strategic planning priorities.
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Revision History
Last updated 9/19/22