Phased Retirement
Key Contacts
If you have questions, please contact your Department Human Resources Representative.
Faculty and Staff
Policy Purpose and Description
Provost Change of Status – Phased Retirement
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should I call if I have questions filling out the form?
Contact your departmental HR representative for assistance.
In the Phased Retirement policy, it says “In the first year of a two-year phasing period (or in the first and second years of a there-year phasing period), the salary received will reflect the reduced percent time plus, at the discretion of the institution, up to an additional 10 percent of the budgeted salary had the person worked full time.” Will CLAS provide the 10% supplement?
Yes, unless the employee is 100% supported by research funds that will not allow the 10%.
How will my phased retirement affect my faculty review?
You will not have a required faculty review in the final year of phased retirement.
Will my PTEA be adjusted while in phased retirement?
If necessary, the College in consultation with the department will determine whether suitable adjustments to the PTEA form should be made during the phased retirement period.
As a faculty member, can my teaching load be split unevenly during phased retirement?
With DEO and Area AD approval, faculty in the Phased Retirement program may elect to split their teaching to have a semester with 0 teaching effort. However, the total workload allocation must be the same during the fall semester as the spring semester. For example, a faculty normally teaching a 2/2 load may teach a 2/0 load in the program, so long as during the 0 teaching semester, the faculty is engaged in a workload of research & service at the same percent as the overall effort in the 2-course semester. In this example, if the faculty was reducing to 65% in year 1, they could potentially work:
Fall Semester:
- Teach 2 courses at 40%
- Research at 20%
- Service at 5%
- Total: 65%
Spring Semester:
- Teach 0 courses at 0%
- Research at 45%
- Service at 20%
- Total: 65%
It is not allowable to average different workloads between the fall and spring semesters. This means a faculty could not work 80% in the fall and 50% in the spring with the goal of averaging 65%.
Will I be eligible for a merit salary increase while on phased retirement?
No. CLAS faculty and staff on phased retirement will not be considered for a merit salary increase.
Will I still have an annual review complete each year?
Faculty currently in the phased retirement program will continue to have an annual review conducted until they are within the final academic year of their retirement date. They will be exempt from their annual review in the final academic year. Tenured faculty will be exempt from their five-year peer review while enrolled in the phased retirement program.
Related Information
Revision History
Last updated 10/10/22