Perry A. and Helen J. Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary Interaction

Associate Dean for Natural, Mathematical and Social Sciences; Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities
Amended Date

Key Contacts

If you have questions, please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs.


DEOs, Faculty, Administrators

Policy Purpose and Description

The purpose of this endowment fund is to promote interactions among Iowa faculty and students in areas of cross-departmental strength, and to support interdisciplinary events that draw scholars from other institutions to the UI campus, both as presenters and as audience.

CLAS faculty may apply for funds to support events and programs that are consistent with the Bond Fund's purposes. Such events may include conferences, performances, lecture series, symposia, workshops, or any combination thereof. Though CLAS faculty must be among the participants (as organizers, presenters, panelists, responders, or performers), the participation of other UI faculty is welcome and encouraged.

Awards from the Bond Fund have ranged from $200.00 to $5,000.00.




Proposals for Bond Fund awards are submitted by the DEO to the Senior Director of Administration.  Proposals are typically considered in two cycles: those submitted by December 1 and those submitted by May 1 of each year.  Faculty should apply for funds at least six months before the event.

Proposals include the following elements:

  • The Bond Fund Application Form. The applicant completes the form, prints, and submits to the DEO.
  • A confidential letter submitted to the Dean's Office by the DEO, with the completed application form.  The DEO letter speaks to the value of the project and indicates the support that the Department is contributing.
  • If the proposal is submitted by a faculty group, or if the proposal is being submitted jointly by two or more departments, each DEO must sign the letter and the letter must indicate the support that each department is contributing.


Bond Fund Application Form

Frequently Asked Questions


Related Information

About Perry A. and Helen Judy Bond – The Bond Fund was established through a generous gift from Perry A. and Helen Judy Bond. Perry A. Bond (B.S. 1901, M.S. 1908, Ph.D. 1915 in chemistry) taught chemistry at Iowa from 1918 to 1948. Helen Judy Bond (B.A. 1923 in home economics) received her master’s and doctoral degrees from Columbia and became chair of the Department of Home Economics at Teacher's College, Columbia University, where she taught for over 20 years.

Revision History