Cash Handling

UI Accounting and Financial Reporting; Director, Business & Financial Administration
Amended Date

Key Contact 

If you have questions, please contact your departmental accountant. 


Any official or administrator with responsibilities for managing University cash receipts and those employees who are entrusted with the billing/invoicing, receipt, deposit, and reconciliation of cash for University related activities should follow this policy. 

Policy Purpose and Description  





CLAS follows Accounting & Financial Reporting’s (AFRs) Cash Handling Policies and Procedures for Deposits.

The following CLAS process is in addition to AFRs policy.

Termination of Cash Handling Role(s): 

An email notification is automatically sent to the CLAS Finance Office when a person is terminated and their institutional role for Cash Handling has been deleted. The CLAS Finance Assistant will forward the email to the impacted departmental administrator and accountant requesting the name of the replacement employee, when available, to update the Institutional Roles in the HR system and verify that the replacement employee has taken Cash Handling training.

Changes of responsibilities within departments: 

If job responsibilities change within departments that impact Cash Handling roles and responsibilities, those changes need to be sent by email to the CLAS Finance Assistant to update the Institutional Roles in the HR system and verify that the replacement employee has taken Cash Handling training.

Required re-submissions of procedures: 

Departments are required to re-submit their Cash Handling procedures if: 

  • They have a procedural change (i.e. they are now using a safe instead of a file cabinet for safekeeping). 

  • Every 3 years from the most current approval date.

3-year re-submissions: 

AFR will send a notification email to the CLAS Finance Office when it is time for procedures to be updated. The CLAS Finance Assistant will forward the email to the impacted department(s) departmental administrator and accountant attaching a copy of the old cash handling procedure.

Cash Handling Form Completion/Submission:

General Information:

  1. Select New Form
  2. Select Org
  3. Select Dept
  4. Select Dept (even if all zeros)
  5. Select Description
    • This will typically be the Combination of Cash, Checks, Credit Cards
    • If you select Other, enter Service Description

  1. Select Building
    • If you select Other, enter Address information

  1. Select Room

Role Assignment:

  1. For each role, enter the name of the person and select Search
  2. To add a person to a role, select the "+" button
  3. To remove a person from a role, select the "--" button
  4. Roles with red asterisk are Required
  5. Select the blue "i" for more information on that role
  6. For Deposit Preparer, select the "group" button to populate with University Shared Services group

Securing Cash and Cash Equivalents:

  1. Make selection for first question.
    • If you select Other, enter Storage location information

  1. Read statement 2 and select Check box.

Cash Receipt Procedures:

  1. Read statement and select Check box.

Cash Depositing:

  1. Provide information regarding areas deposit methods
  2. For Deposit Delivery procedure, please select the "group" button for University Shared Services and not an individual person, as this will allow for backup for illness and/or vacation coverage.
  3. For question 2, if you select Other, enter Deposit Frequency information.
  4. For question 2, if you select Other, enter Deposit Delivery Security information.


  1. For question 3, it should be 5 years plus current year

Additional Information:

  1. The form will not time out while you are working within it.
  2. Form Status will show a green check mark if information provided is complete and correct.
  3. Form Status will show a yellow "!" if information has an issue.
  4. You can select the the blue "i" for additional information.
  5. You have the option to:
    • Save and Submit to Workflow
    • Save as Draft
    • Print the form

  1. Saving a Draft will save it to the main Cash Handling page with a Status of Draft – you will be able to View or Delete the draft and start over.
    • Viewing the Draft will allow you to continue working on the form and then Save and Submit it to Workflow

  1. Once you have completed the form, please print to .PDF and send a copy to the CLAS Finance Assistant.
  2. Save and Submit to Workflow will give you an optional Comment and you need to select Confirm or Cancel
  3. The main Cash Handling page will show a Status of Routing and you will only be able to View.


Frequently Asked Questions  


Related Information 

Revision History

