Hosting a Conference or Workshop
The Center for Conferences at the University of Iowa has closed. Faculty and staff will have a larger role in the administration of a conference or workshop they want to host. Several resources are available from the college and university to help.
The Dean’s Office is available to assist with conference or workshop registrations that require payment. This will be administered using a WuFoo digital form, or in some cases, a UI Learning web page. Specifics on how to request this service are available at the bottom of this page. Please read through this entire page before requesting.
Conference website
If your conference requires an external website, this can be requested using the University of Iowa SiteNow. This platform allows you or your staff to easily build a high-quality website right away that follows best practices and brand guidelines. Several how-to and support articles are available to help you get started.
Hotel blocks
You can reserve a block of hotels for your event. Browse the hotels that are available in the Iowa City area. Some will offer a discounted rate for a group of rooms.
Nametags, signage, and more
The University of Iowa offers a library of branded templates and design assets that can be used for your conference or workshop. This includes promotional flyers, posters, PowerPoint templates, nametags, wayfinding signage, and more. Browse the library of templates to find what you need.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Dean’s Office.
How to request an online registration form
Departments are encouraged to contact the Dean’s Office by emailing Rebecca Tritten during the early planning stages of their conference or workshop to ensure that the resources available will meet their needs. It is desirable to know the resources that are available before committing to hosting a conference or workshop.
When requesting a form, the primary organizer will provide the following with a due date:
- Photo (only needed for UI Learn)
- Event name
- Date/time
- Available spots
- Fee amount
- Course description
- Class structure (if applicable)
- Instructor information (if applicable)
- Registration & fee information (i.e., date/time course opens; first-come, first-served basis)
- Refund/cancellation policy
- Terms and community policy (if applicable)
- Contact information for questions
- A scholarship/coupon code field will be provided if requested
The following information will be standard for all conferences:
- Name, email, phone number, address
- Privacy Policy. The form will collect information concerning name, address, and email. The external provider collects credit card information from Any information collected will be used solely for this event, and for no other purpose. It will never be sold, shared with, or rented to third parties.
- The credit card payment will be processed by an external provider and will appear on credit card statements as UI LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES.
- To comply with Payment Card Industry parameters, no credit card information should be taken by CLAS employees over the phone or in person. Credit card information should not be entered into a web browser on a university-managed computer, laptop, or tablet.
Once created, the WuFoo registration link will be provided to the department and should be used in external advertisements and emails. In cases where a UI Learn page is used, it will be published and provided to the department.
Revision History
Last updated 1/11/23
Conferences, Workshops, UI Learn, WuFoo