Update on MOPP revision vote

February 16, 2024

On behalf of the CLAS Executive Committee, the entity charged with the Manual of Policy and Procedure (MOPP) revision process, I am writing to inform that the MOPP revision did not pass, with a total of 299 YES votes to 216 NO votes, meaning it did not reach the required three-fifths majority (60%) necessary to approve.

It is important to recognize that over half of the voting faculty see the importance of the changes proposed in the CLAS MOP. While we did not reach the three-fifths threshold that was established in the first edition of the MOPP in 1950, we will continue to strive for a document that will help guide the College into the future. Executive Committee will be determining the next steps for the revision process. Once that is determined more information will be shared with the CLAS faculty. We greatly appreciate your engagement in this revision process.

Sara Sanders, Ph.D, MSW

Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Every seven years the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has an opportunity to consider revisions to the CLAS Manual of Policy and Procedure, or MOPP. Because the college is next due to revisit our MOPP in 2024, throughout 2023 the CLAS Dean’s Office engaged the CLAS Executive Committee to begin the process of review and consultation with university and collegiate stakeholders and partners resulting in this proposed revision. Eligible CLAS faculty members will have the opportunity to vote on the Proposed MOP beginning Jan. 25, 2024. 

Explore relevant information including: 


Executive Summary

The CLAS Executive Committee is responsible for the college's MOPP. Members tasked the Dean with the revision process and requested they work with Caroline Sheerin, a professor in the College of Law who has experience and expertise in shared governance on campus. Work has been underway since January 2023.


If you have a question about the Proposed Revision, please submit it and we will get back to you. 

Current and proposed manuals

Current MOPP

Read the current Manual of Policy and Procedure

Proposed MOP

Read the proposed revised Manual of Procedure

Summary of key revisions

The MOP revision and amendment voting process has been combined into one process to provide greater consistency and create alignment with the overall charge of the CLAS Executive Committee.


Throughout the document, previous errors have been corrected, including article references and redirect links. 

Most language referencing CLAS Staff Council has been removed from the manual because CLAS Staff Council is governed by its bylaws, which model the University of Iowa Staff Council structure. The revised language also enables staff to facilitate their own governance body without faculty approval.

Revision includes changing the name of the document from “Manual of Policy and Procedure” to “Manual of Procedure.” The goal reinforces the use of our policy website and emphasizes the inclusion of policies on our webpage. This enhances transparency and provides more information to aid in the daily operations of the College. In addition, the DEO Selection and Evaluation Process is available on our website and provides information on the process.

The language has been revised to reflect the current committee work of the Undergraduate Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (UEPCC) and Graduate Educational Policy Committee (GEPC). 

Membership has been revised to include a faculty member from the Instructional or Clinical Track. This expands the opportunity for the Instructional Track or Clinical Track faculty to be a part of key shared governance structures.

In the revision, the planning committee is highlighted to more clearly define the college's shared governance structure. The enhancement and reinforcement of the Faculty Assembly Agenda Planning Committee will also allow the voice of faculty within the operation of the Faculty Assembly to remain the primary focus.

Proportional representation in the Faculty Assembly has been adjusted to provide a balance between all four areas of the College. This adjustment is recommended as a guideline in the manual each time the document undergoes a revision process.

Revised to include the Dean as a co-chair alongside a faculty co-chair. This was done to reaffirm the college’s commitment to shared governance and elevate the Dean’s Office partnership with the Faculty Assembly. The group has more influence when the Dean engages directly with it. Faculty Assembly, as originally established in 1986, listed the dean as the chair for this reason. This changed in 1999. 

Non-elected committee charges will now be found on the policy webpage, except for the General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC), which is now included as part of the Undergraduate Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (UEPCC) charge in the Revised MOP. Additionally, non-elected committee work is being removed from the manual to allow committees the flexibility to modernize and adjust their charges as needed. 

This has been revised for improved clarity. For example, the administration of the College should be introduced before the shared governance bodies that operate within that College. The order of the shared governance bodies reflects their establishment over the College’s history.

A five-year break for former CLAS Dean and/or Associate Dean(s) to hold a position in a shared governance body has been proposed in this revision. The revised document also clarifies the advisory role of shared governance bodies on campus, in alignment with the University of Iowa's shared governance structures, as detailed in the UI Policy Manual.


Working drafts

Line-by-line revisions are captured in track changes in these versions, reflecting feedback from faculty and shared governance groups.

 Red-line Draft no. 1

 Red-line Draft no. 2

Addressing faculty concerns

EC and collegiate leadership responded to faculty feedback on the revision, incorporating some of their suggestions, and also provided clarification to concerns voiced on the process. 

History of changes

Explore the history of changes to the CLAS MOPP from 1950-2022.


  • Improve transparency within the college around decision-making
  • Align CLAS with institutional practices for procedure and shared governance
  • Strengthen CLAS shared governance by clarifying roles and duties
  • Support effective collaboration within the college and with university partners


  • Aligns CLAS practices with the rest of the university and its governance groups
  • Addition of instructional or clinical faculty to the Executive Committee to elevate faculty voice 
  • Reaffirmation and commitment to shared governance within CLAS
  • Strengthens Faculty Assembly by creating proportional representation and increasing communication and collaboration with the Dean as co-chair
  • CLAS staff are given a greater voice in staff matters


  • Inconsistencies in the current MOPP will continue to complicate decision-making for faculty and staff
  • CLAS will continue to be out of compliance with the Office of the Provost's request to address the MOPP's current inconsistencies
  • Instructional and clinical faculty voices will continue to be missing from the Executive Committee
  • CLAS Staff Council initiatives will continue to be subject to faculty approval

How do I vote?

Voting was open Jan. 25-Feb. 15 and is now closed.

Revision process and timeline

Work has been underway since last winter on the revision between the Executive Committee, the Dean's Office, and Caroline Sheerin, a professor in the College of Law who has experience and expertise in shared governance on campus.

The timeline breaks down the drafting, revising, and faculty input process in detail over the last year. 


  • January 2023

    Dean discusses CLAS MOPP revision with the CLAS Executive Committee: "The EC endorsed a thoughtful, wholistic revision in collaboration with an outside faculty governance leader that ensures the MOPP is clear, consistent, and user-friendly."

  • February 2023

    The Dean and Senior Director of Administration met with Caroline Sheerin, a faculty member in the College of Law and UI Faculty Senate vice-president, to discuss serving as a consultant for the CLAS MOPP Revision proposal.

  • March 2023

    EC held a MOPP Revision Proposal follow-up discussion: "This discussion included a proposed timeline, groups to be consulted across the College, and the role of the EC in the process."

  • May 2023

    The Dean and Senior Director of Administration met with Caroline Sheerin, consultant for the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal Process.

  • June 2023

    20th: The Dean provided EC with an update on the MOPP Revision Proposal Process: “The goal of this project is to work on clarifying roles and responsibilities, and identify inequities that may exist in the current MOPP. Dean Sanders intends to bring proposed revisions to EC during the Fall 23 semester.”

    26th: The Dean conducted four shared governance Focus Groups: Faculty Assembly, GEPC, UEPCC, and EC. A questionnaire was emailed to those not in attendance. Information and notes gathered by non-facilitators outside of the group.

  • July 2023

    12th: The Dean and Senior Director of Administration meet with Caroline Sheerin, consultant for the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal process.

    18th: The Dean and Senior Director of Administration met with the Office of General Counsel regarding the proposal.

    19th: CLAS MOPP Survey Released to all DEOs, DGS, and DUS requesting feedback and input. Data gathered and analyzed by a person outside of the group.

  • August 2023

    10th: CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal provided to Senior Leadership Team for review.

    21st: Discussed CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal in SLT.

    23rd: CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal draft given to Office of General Council for review.

  • September 2023

    14th: The Dean and Senior Director of Administration meet with Caroline Sheerin for further consultation and to discuss the revision proposal.

    19th: EC discussed the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal, and provided a summary of the process and revised document.

    26th: Met with the Chair and Secretary of the Faculty Assembly to discuss the MOPP Revision proposal process; EC discussed the MOPP Revision Proposal.

  • October 2023

    3rd: Continued MOPP Discussion in EC.

    9th: The Dean discusses the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal process at the DEO meeting.

    10th: Continued MOPP Discussion in EC.

    11th: A special Session of the Faculty Assembly was called to present the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal.

    12th: Dean attends UEPCC to discuss MOPP Revision Proposal.

    13th: Group discussions offered for DEOs and GEPC regarding the MOPP Revision Proposal.

    17th: Continued MOPP Discussion in EC.

    18th: Faculty Assembly continued to discuss the CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal.

    24th: Continued MOPP Discussion in EC.

    30th: MOPP Discussion at DEO Meeting.

  • November 2023

    Nov. 7th: Continued MOPP discussion in EC

    Nov 14th: Brief MOPP discussion in EC.

    Nov 15th: Office of General Counsel reviews MOPP Revision Proposal.

    Nov 15th: MOPP is listed as a discussion item on the Faculty Assembly agenda.

    Nov 28th: Continued MOPP Discussion in EC. EC votes and passes the revision proposal to present to all CLAS faculty. EC recommends dates for a full faculty vote. 

  • December 2023

    Dec 5th: EC Discusses materials and dates for the voting process.

    Dec 12th: EC Discusses materials and dates for the voting process.

    Dec 13th: MOPP Revision Proposal and supplemental materials provided to CLAS Faculty.

  • January 2023

    Jan 25th: Voting will open for CLAS MOPP Revision Proposal.

  • February 2023

    Feb. 15th: Voting will end